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Sculptra Injections Specialist in Scarsdale and New York, NY

Sculptra is a long-lasting skin rejuvenation treatment that is used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It’s an injectable dermal filler for cosmetic purposes that often delivers amazing effects for body contouring and facial rejuvenation. It can target a broad spectrum of skin issues. Eugene J. LIU, M.D., and the team of aesthetics professionals offer Sculptra Injections treatment at Aspire Medical Aesthetics. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Scarsdale NY, and New York, NY.

Sculptra Injections Specialist Near Me in Scarsdale and New York, NY
Sculptra Injections Specialist Near Me in Scarsdale and New York, NY

Table of Contents:

What is Sculptra?
Am I a good candidate for Sculptra?
How often should Sculptra be done?
How long does Sculptra last?

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid dermal filler that’s designed to smooth out deep wrinkles and folds. This gel-like substance is carefully injected under the skin to add plumpness and smooth imperfections in that area. Not only does this filler provide immediate improvements, but it continues to enhance your skin gradually, as it is a collagen stimulator.
Unlike hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers, Sculptra offers longer-lasting effects. This injectable can boost skin tightness and preserve a radiant glow for up to two years. Sculptra is a safe and effective treatment approach that provides natural-looking results that help you feel like the most confident version of yourself.
To find out how many Sculptra sessions are needed to achieve your aesthetic goals, you’ll need to work with a specialist. The experts at Aspire Medical Aesthetics are here to help you unlock the benefits of this injectable treatment.

Am I a good candidate for Sculptra?

If you want to address hollowing or loss of facial volume due to aging, Sculptra can help you restore a plump and youthful facial contour. This treatment offers incredible results for combatting signs of aging, such as:
Sunken cheeks – It’s common to lose volume in the cheeks due to age, which can make you look unhealthy and gaunt. Sculptra is an effective way to restore volume and lift the surrounding skin to prevent or correct jowls.

Hollow temples – Another common sign of aging is hollow temples. Sculptra is great for filling this area in to make you look young and healthy in just a few treatment sessions.

Nasolabial folds – These folds develop due to volume loss and frequent movement by the nose and mouth. They can be addressed with Sculptra on its own, or combined with a neuromodulator to regulate muscle hyperactivity.

Marionette lines – Marionette lines form around the mouth quite easily. While they are frustrating, luckily, they are easy to treat with dermal fillers such as Sculptra.
If you have one or more of these concerns, Sculptra can help you stop worrying about them. Schedule a consultation with us to determine whether this treatment approach is right for you.

How often should Sculptra be done?

In your initial consultation, the specialist will inform you of how many sessions are needed to achieve your aesthetic goals. In most cases, only 1 or 2 appointments are required. However, if you have more pronounced concerns, the specialist usually recommends 2 to 4 sessions spaced about a month apart to attain the best outcomes.
It’s essential to follow the recommendations of the specialist, especially concerning the timing of your Sculptra sessions. By listening to their guidelines, you can achieve the results you’ve been dreaming about. The specialist’s recommendations will take into account your specific skin concerns and the area you wish to enhance.

How long does Sculptra last?

As Sculptra is a long-lasting dermal filler, it doesn’t need to be touched up as often as other fillers, such as HA formulations. In most cases, you can enjoy the outcomes of your treatment for 24 months after your last session. This extended duration makes Sculptra a highly sought-after choice for those seeking a lasting facial rejuvenation.
It’s important to keep in mind that the longevity of Sculptra’s effects is tied to a few factors. If you have more severe age-related concerns, the results of your treatment may be slightly shorter, typically within the 12 to 18-month range. The amount of Sculptra used, the specific areas treated, and your skin’s response to the treatment all play a role in how long you enjoy the benefits of this dermal filler.
By opting for maintenance treatments, you can preserve the various benefits of Sculptra for even longer. Depending on how long the initial effects last, you may only need a touch-up session after 24 months. Sculptra treatment allows you to feel youthful and radiant effortlessly for years to come. To learn more about this injectable and how it can transform your appearance, consult an expert at Aspire Medical Aesthetics.

For more information, contact us or make an online appointment. We have convenient locations to serve you in Scarsdale NY, and New York, NY. We serve clients from Scarsdale NY, New York, NY, Rye Brook NY, Larchmont NY, Irvington NY, Brooklyn NY, Canarsie NY, Glendale Queens NY, and surrounding areas. We look forward to meeting you!

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