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FAQs About Aspire Medical Aesthetics

FAQs About Aspire Medical Aesthetics in Scarsdale & New York, NY

Read our FAQs to know better about our med spa services and terms. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us or request an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Scarsdale NY, and New York, NY.

FAQs About Aspire Medical Aesthetics Near Me in Scarsdale & New York, NY
FAQs About Aspire Medical Aesthetics Near Me in Scarsdale & New York, NY

Table of Contents:

How is Aspire Medical Aesthetics rated?
Where is Aspire Medical Aesthetics Located?
Does Aspire Medical Aesthetics Accept Insurance?
Does Aspire Medical Aesthetics Accept same day appointments?

What services are you currently offering?
Who performs treatments at Aspire Medical Aesthetics?
Is there a consultation fee?
Is there a cancellation policy?
How do I prepare for my initial visit?
What if I have a medical episode/ emergency after my visit/ procedure?
What financing options are available?

How is Aspire Medical Aesthetics rated?

Aspire Medical Aesthetics has 5.0 star reviews

Where is Aspire Medical Aesthetics Located?

Scarsdale, NY
Located at 2 Spencer Place Suite 9, Scarsdale, NY 10583.

New York, NY
Located at 888 Park Avenue, Office 1D, New York, NY 10075.

Does Aspire Medical Aesthetics Accept Insurance?

No, we don’t accept any insurance at this time

Does Aspire Medical Aesthetics Accept same day appointments?

Yes, Schedule your visit today by filling out our simple online booking form.

What services are you currently offering?

We are currently offering Toxins/ Wrinkle Reducers, Dermal Fillers, Sculptra, Microneedling and Microneedling with PRP.

Who performs treatments at Aspire Medical Aesthetics?

The practice is owned and supervised by a Medical Doctor and a Registered Nurse/ Nurse Injector will perform all procedures.

Is there a consultation fee?

All consultations are complimentary.

Is there a cancellation policy?

In the event of a no-show or if you cancel /reschedule your appointment less than 24 hrs. in advance, we charge a $100 fee to the card on file or apply the booking deposits made on the account towards this fee. It’s important to us to respect the time of both our patients and staff and your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be required to reschedule to avoid disrupting the appointments of other patients. We will handle tardiness and emergencies on a case-by-case basis.

How do I prepare for my initial visit?

You will receive a welcome email and/ or call that includes important information such as things to avoid if you plan on receiving treatments on the same day. We advise you to print and fill out our new patient paperwork prior to your arrival in order to save time. Please bring a photo ID and adequate payment methods.

What if I have a medical episode/ emergency after my visit/ procedure?

Please call our office immediately. In the event you cannot reach a medical professional, please call 911.

What financing options are available?

We currently accept all major credit cards, cash, Zelle and Venmo. Check back soon for further financing options.

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Convenient Locations to Serve You

Scarsdale, NY

New York, NY

  • 888 Park Avenue, Office 1D, New York, NY 10075
  • View Details